Learning Resources
Gears! Gears! Gears! Build & Bloom Building Set
C$ 62.99
Alphabet Learning Mailbox
C$ 24.99
Gears! Gears! Gears!® Space Explorers Building Set
C$ 56.99
Smart Snacks® Rainbow Color Cones™ Game
C$ 24.99
Pattern Block Activity Set
C$ 29.99
Tony the Peg Stacker Dump Truck
C$ 23.99
Sight Word Slam
C$ 35.99
Fine Motor Feeding Friends
C$ 23.99
GeoSafari® Jr Rocknoculars
C$ 19.99
Snap-n-Learn™ Counting Sheep
C$ 32.99
Skatepark Engineering & Design Building Set
C$ 27.99
Pop for Addition & Subtraction
C$ 11.99
Pet Counters, set of 72
C$ 29.99
Toucans to Ten Sorting Set
C$ 38.99
Wrecker Gears
C$ 31.99
1-2-3 Build It! Robot Factory
C$ 32.50
Gears! Gears! Gears! Robots in Motion
C$ 62.99
Primary Science Lab Set
C$ 44.99
Shining Star Projector
C$ 36.99
Crashapult STEM Challenge
C$ 29.99
Solar Lantern
C$ 29.99
Snap-n-Learn Rhyming Pups
C$ 29.99
Big View Binoculars
C$ 21.99
Gears! Gears! Gears! Cycle Gears
C$ 24.99
Learning Resources has a variety of hands-on educational toys for kids of all ages. Have fun while your child develops their motor and social skills.